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Best Effective Yoga Exercises For Slim Waist
...ra, Pavanmuktasan, Bhujangasana, Salabhasana, Trikonasana, Hastapadasana, Cakrasana, Dhanurasana, Viparitkarani, Sarvangasana and Pranayamas as followed by relaxation postures.Remember these are name of the yoga exercise waist and some of these are having positive impact on the other part of the body, but you need to practice these exercise under the able guidance o...more
Bikram Yoga - Hot, New Energy Source
...ody. Yoga is the only exercise from which you gain energy instead of burning it and it doesn't matter how well you do each of the postures, only that you do it the right way. Traditional cardio exercise works on 3-10% of the body, Yoga exercises 100% of the body, from bone to the skin, from head to the toes, and to every organ, gland, tissue and cell.Bikram Yoga is pr...more
Yoga - A Cure For Modern Day Stresses
...aking over their lives. Its like carrying around an extra heavy bag, filled with the stresses of everyday life... and why not throw in some worry and anxiety too.We carry around with us a great amount of tension when we are stressed and this really builds up over time and can sometimes lead to chronic physical and psychological conditions. Do not worry, yoga can help!Yoga ...more
Yoga -- For Relaxation
... fully to the present reality.As a general rule, during relaxation exercises, you will lie down comfortably and meditate. Your yoga trainer will suggest ways for you to gradually move and position your feet and arms. Yoga routines may have different relaxation exercises, but they all have the purpose of cushioning the shock of contact with the surrounding reality. Relaxation also helps to...more
What Is Mantra Yoga?
...h when chanted in full attention and could give you a sense of calmness and tranquility. It can also be stated as the achievement of the ultimate salvation by the chanting of verses. Most of the chants and phrases in Vedas are used for this purpose.This was a way to gain knowledge about the universe and find unison in you. Wh...more
