
Kansas City Yoga Cl


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Yoga in Practice: Helping Negative People (Part 1)
...r “Unity,” is all about? We accept that we have limits in our Yoga practice, but we are persistent in our efforts to do better next time.Some of the most negative people I have met - have everything, but they don’t see the “field of diamonds” in their own backyard. Everything is always better somewhere el...more
How to Choose a Yoga Mat or you've been at it for many years, you either need a mat right now, or you'll need a new one some time in the future. Maybe you started out with one of those colorful cheap mats, but found out it stunk to high heaven of chemicals? Or maybe you went the earth-friendly way and got a yoga mat made fro...more
Yoga Teachers Lead by Example (Part 3)
...ot always optimum. Show respect toward neighboring ashrams by letting the director, master teacher, or guru, know about your events - in the form of a letter or invitation. Do not post your events on their doors, on their cars, and on telephone poles nearby their ashram.Do not encourage your Yoga student...more
The Health Benefits Provided by the Practice of Yoga benefits are also associated with yoga. Yoga has been known to help in the treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorders. Yoga also helps in the reduction of stress, anxiety, depression and tension too. People tend to experience a feeling of well-being through yoga and they also feel invigorated and better about life too. These people also have hi...more
Tantric Yoga Positions
... mind free from obscene or unclean ideas and yearnings, the guru just sits peacefully. The student, on the other hand, assembles his or her own life force with the use of perception and cognition. Then it moves up from the tail bone to the neck, and through the spine, and until it reaches the yogi's forehead. The accumulated results will then eventually be di...more
