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Yoga Styles - Part 1 you feel elated and dreamy.Ashtanga Vinyasa- This is the most popular yoga style these days. Ashtanga yoga (or yoga flow) introduced by Sri K. Pattabhi Jois, doesn't hold positions nearly as long as other types and doesn't go as much in to breathing techniques, aside from inhale and exhale. Postures flow from one to the next with fluidity. The purpose of ashtanga yoga is to create heat...more
Yoga Mats
...does not require any complex machinery. All it requires is a mat on which to do the “asanas,” or postures.A yoga mat is the only investment for yoga; in fact, it is an absolute necessity. Yoga mats are now available in several models, patterns, styles, fabrics and textures. Traditional mats were made of cotton or jute, but these days, many other materials are being used for yoga mats. The ma...more
Yoga Basics For Beginners
...est any time. It’s actually cool to rest in yoga. Listen to your body and allow the breath to guide your movement. 6. Do not compare yourself to others in the class. 7. HAVE FUN. Some people take yoga so seriously that they forget to smile, laugh and play. If you fall out of a pose or do something that seems a little clutzy – observe your reaction. Laughing with yourself is a great tool!...more
Some Benefits of Yoga Body and BalanceAnother of the great benefits of yoga is its ability to give you fantastic balance and a strong body. Many of the yoga poses you will study, practice and master involve staying balanced. Your muscles will learn how to keep you balanced.In addition, doing yoga strengthens your mass. This is different from increasing the size of your muscles. You can have two muscles of the same ...more
Emotional Awareness Through Yoga Spirituality
...he amount of oxygen to your body than with regular yoga.It is while understanding the important role that breathing has in mindfulness and healing that yoga and spirituality has found a linking between the two. It is through yoga and the many pulsations of the body that are emphasized on through yoga that you...more


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