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Secrets of Successful Yoga Studios
... students, there is no reason for them to stay. They will feel unwelcome and unworthy. One of the worst ways to handle a student / teacher relationship is to ignore a Yoga student.Be careful of perceptions that make you feel like you are better than your Yoga students. Remember that your students pay you to teach Yoga. You should treat them like your best friends. How many of you...more
Pranayama -- The Yoga of the Breath
...eing can survive without food for 40 days or more; can survive without water for up to a week, but we die if we do not have air for more than 5-10 minutes! In today's society we do not take the time to breathe properly: I mean, we REALLY do not take much time to notice IF we are breathing, let alone take the time to o...more
Yoga - In Sickness And In Health
...otten while you lapse into a sedate frame of mind. Reasons why people have chosen to take up yoga are because of how it helps tone muscle/flexibility and strengthens stamina pace. Obese participants understand how beneficial it is helping them to burn off excess fat without the demand tactics like that of a strenuous assault course.Yoga and con...more
The Truth about Options for Yoga Teachers, Part 1
...omfortable working with the “general population.” When I look at my weekly schedule, I teach Yoga to kids, seniors with various levels of mobility, Gentle Yoga to a targeted middle aged group, Restorative Yoga (which also attracts students in the middle-aged range), Vinyasa Yoga classes to students ...more
Weight Loss And Fitness With Yoga
... your lungs and heart, even though it can burn significant levels of fat. As yoga does not do this, it is not your best option if you are looking for a fat-burning or cardiovascular activity. Activities involved in weight loss yoga fitness, on the other hand, also improve strength, posture, and flexibility, three important factors in doing any other exercise technique. They also e...more


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