
Yoga Equipment Canada


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How to Become Regular in Your Yoga Practice
...edule and “reserve” this time for your practice of yoga and meditation.If you get up a bit earlier in the morning, then you will have a nice quiet time to do your yoga before the rest of your neighbors wake up. In the evening, do your best to keep some time free for yoga before your evening meal.Once you have set your schedule, stick to...more
Yoga Wedges- Boosting Your Yoga Skills
...can be made very easy. As pressure is provided on your joints and wrists, it helps in relieving stress from those tensed areas. It alleviates overstretching adding pressure on joints and removal of your problems relating to tight joints and wrists.The covers are made of cotton which is washable and many are made...more
Hatha Yoga - The Yoga Of Movement
...n fostering spiritual progress is the opening of the chakras, energy centers along the spine, which allow spiritual energy or Kundalini, resident in latent form at the base of the spine, to travel up the spine and out of the head's Sahasrara Chakra, thereby elevating the spirit of the practitioner to bring him closer to Cosmic Consciousness. Equally important in thi...more
Discover How Great Yoga Can Make You Feel working out in your home then you can buy a book or you can use a DVD to learn how to perform Yoga. You will be able to mimic the moves as well as understand the proper breathing techniques by listening to the instructor. It is very helpful to watch it a few times before you begin to make sure that you are comfortable before att...more
Yoga for Every BODY
...anted you to be? What if there was no right or wrong way of doing yoga poses, just simply YOUR way. The way that feels good for your body, mind and spirit. That is yoga to me.There’s a smorgasbord of yoga labels all around us. Each having its own fancy term or cool yoga gear. It’s a bummer to see yoga magazines or videos with the same types of bodies representing...more


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