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Teaching Hatha Yoga - What Are the Benefits of Yoga Practice?, would take some of the strain off of our health care system. So far, we have only addressed physical health, but Yoga has many mental and emotional benefits, as well.It is a well known fact that high levels of stress can cause a variety of illnesses, and some of them are fatal. This is where Yoga shines a...more
Learning Focus and Concentration Through Yoga
...oal of many westerners because, to them, it is so illusive.Occupations, family, avocations, addiction to multi-tasking and caffeine, goal achievement, and cultural pressures are among the reasons that people in the west suffer from the lack of a focused and grounded mentality.Yoga offers a solution that few programs can.Whether performed in a cla...more
Get Into Asana Twists For A Yoga-Calm Mind
... torso, and never the head. The head should be the last part of the body to twist.You should be particularly careful about performing asana twists if you are pregnant, and if you do not want to avoid doing them altogether, you should always perform open twists. These are asanas that involve keeping the abdominal muscles soft and not ...more
Secrets To Performing Yoga Postures
...n you should drag the right knee near to your chest. Your left leg should be in a straight line on the ground.Second step: Push your shoulders and the rear side of your neck into the ground while at the same time holding your knee. Then breath for ten seconds only. This may appear to be to quick but when performing ...more
The Purpose of Yoga - Overcoming Fear
.... One of the first techniques Yoga students learn in a class is natural breath.For adult Yoga students, this means unlearning the short “half breath,” which most adults unconsciously practice from the diaphragm to the mouth. Natural breath can be started as an inhale (through the nose), at the bottom of the lungs, expanding upward through the chest, and fin...more


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