
All Natural Materials Yoga Mat


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Ayurvedic Beauty Care
...nd of their pregnancy.Beauty Care in Ayurveda does include the use of natural cosmetics derived from such plants like sandalwood, turmeric, henna (mehndi), aloe vera and many naturally available beauty care products. The application of which is determined by the body and skin type of the person. A knowledgeable Ayurvedic beauty care expert can tell the exact...more
Weight Loss and Yoga
...his -- weight gain.Conscious relaxation, as opposed to unconscious relaxation like sitting in front of the tv, activates the parasympathetic nervous system and the creative side of the brain. This allows you to explore creative possibilities for your life, maybe showing you choices you didn't know you had and new ways to mee...more
Benefits of Yoga
... with respect to forth coming ailments.This enables the person to take pre-emptive corrective actionBenefit 5: Yoga offers a complete detoxification of the body. It gently stretches the muscles and joints as well as massaging the various organs. Yoga ensures the optimum blood supply to various parts of the body.This helps in the flushing out of toxins from...more
Get Into Asana Twists For A Yoga-Calm Mind
...ou should always perform open twists. These are asanas that involve keeping the abdominal muscles soft and not contracting them as you would in a closed twist. Other people that should only attempt an open twist with a relaxed belly area are hernia sufferers, menstruating women, and anybody with detached retina or gl...more
Part I: Yoga and Weight Lifting Go Perfectly Together
...y activities easier. By its very nature yoga is slow, giving the muscles, through a multitude of poses, time to stretch, eliminate toxins, and bring balance to the body once again.From my vantage point, yoga and lifting weights go perfectly together…lift weights three days a week and do on yoga two days. The result will be a body of perfec...more


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