
Mats Reebok Yoga


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Three Reasons You Should Not Do Headstand
...the diaphragm which causes the larger amounts of carbon dioxide and toxins out of the lungs.Practice of this asana provides the feeling of equilibrium and well-being and it increases memory and concentration.The Headstand inverts the pattern of blood pressure in the body – increasing it in the head and dropping it in the fe...more
Yoga: Three Reasons You Should Not Do Yoga Posture - Warrior III back injuries avoid practicing this posture.2) If you have High blood pressure do not do this posture.3) In case of any problem with your foot, ankle or hip do not attempt this posture.Note: Do not let your body, head or hip to rotate.Caution: Always check with your doctor if you have any doubts or concerns regarding the suitability of ...more
Yoga Off the Mat - A Lesson From the Ocean
...cheduled' session time but in a single moment I looked out at the ocean and he turned to me with a quizical 'what are you thinking?' expression on his face and right there the teaching, the yoga, emerged. Sitting by the ocean's edge gazing into infinity with the soft ocean breeze brushing against my skin and ...more
Yoga And Pregnancy
...body that used to bend over backwards in scorpion pose became heavy and constricted. At eight months pregnant, I had trouble with simple moves like putting-on-shoes-asana. Nevertheless, continuing with a modified yoga practice kept me flexible and strong. By practicing yoga I released shoulder tension and kept my legs st...more
The Purpose of Yoga- Transforming Anxiety into Self-Mastery with Pranayama
...ress and anxiety can disrupt vital organs and their basic functions. Excessive stress can also cause psychological problems, which may be seen as anger, rage, and temper tantrums.In just one Yoga class, you learn “life saving breathing” techniques (Pranayama), which can help you control anxiety - before anxiety causes you serious mental and physical harm. Pr...more


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