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Yoga Practice Tips
...f to embark on your yoga journey. Completing this step first will ensure a higher success rate and continued growth with your yoga experience. Be sure in your mind and heart that yoga really is important to you.The next step is set a goal and devise your strategy for achieving it. Make a schedule for when and where you wish to practic...more
Yoga for Weight Loss
...many different types of yoga exercises. Some of them are aimed at reducing stress, improving posture, healing physical ailments and discovering self.So, what about weight loss? Is Yoga really the most effective way to lose weight without worrying about side effects? The main focus in yoga is always to bring unity between the mind, body and spirit. Although yoga asanas might help in weight los...more
Yoga Class Etiquette - 10 Things You Should Know
...s of physical flexibility and strength when a group assembles for a yoga class. Yoga is about being aware of your own personal flexibility, strength, and focus. You cannot be focusing inwardly when you are focusing outwardly on others.Don't leave class during, Sivasana, the very important deep relaxation ending of the class. If you must leave durin...more
Yoga - Its True Meaning and Purpose
...ou can awaken to your true Self.Though Kriya Yoga encompasses all eight limbs, its emphasis is on karma. Karma is defined as the law of causation. Everything you experience in your life is the result of something you have thought, said, or done. In order to attune to “the indwelling Reality” we must first bring ourselves into balance. To bring ourselves into bala...more
Yoga and Pregnancy - Why Do Yoga At This Time?
... Yoga can help with anxiety around the birth and possible depression.Many mothers come to classes as beginners with no experience of yoga but have seen articles on how beneficial it is in helping to give birth naturally. Maternity classes use modified yoga postures with the emphasis on breathing, strengthenin...more


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