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Universal Principles of Yoga, Part 5
...i energy is sent up the spine to the Sahasrara Chakra at the crown of the head.Samadhi, also known as intuitive enlightenment, is one of the most sought after results of Kundalini Yoga practice. Therefore, Kundalini attracts a much different type of student and Yoga teacher from what is most commonly found in a Hatha Yoga clas...more
Practicing Hatha Yoga: The Gateway to Happiness
...ay to Happiness Non-judgment is a universal principle that exists in Yoga and many religions. Judgment of noise, surroundings, smells, and sensations is a common distraction during Yoga meditation.In Yoga, the mind is often compared to a monkey because of distraction, but judgment is different. When we judge, the mind clas...more
Yoga Certification - The Beginning of a Yoga Teacher's Journey the beginning of a quest to learn about the body, mind, and spirit.Each is a vast field, within itself, and you could compare Yoga subjects to flowers in a field. It is easy to become confused as to which Yoga subject we should study first. Is there a way to “streamline” the journey, and get to the next horizon, before another Yoga teacher finds it?The journey is not a race, but a path ...more
A Combination Of Yoga And Weight Training Can Provide Men With Vitality And Positive Thinking
...many cases, by different, and adverse, outside factors such as social problems, pressures, stress, etc. In such cases, the close link between the body and the spirit can often be seen.If the spirit is somehow defeated, the body will invariably become ill and weakened. The more physical aspects of yoga are highly recommende...more
My Experience with Bikram Yoga posture.The perspiration experienced during hot yoga enhances the release of toxins. The postures consist of warm up poses that can be done prior to a yoga class. There are standing poses and seated poses. The twist yoga poses have the purpose of strengthening your back, toning the abdomen and helping with digestion.Inverted poses help you ...more


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