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Hot Off The Press - How Hot Is Hot Yoga
...k to a guru in the field of yoga who can advise you on what is best for your needs, whether it is a health matter, slim down or just to claim peace of mind.Before enrolling in a hot yoga class make sure to delve more intimately into what it entails as it may not be your cup of tea unlike it is for others. Hot yoga can be exhausting but it does have its perks giving results. Your health is s...more
Your Mental Energy Sphere - Book Review
...d happiness in their lives and within themselves. Dedicating his life to what he believes in, Shyam is currently the founder and operator of the Loving Heart Center and an informative website where Bhaki Yoga or Karma Yoga is taught.Your Mental Energy Sphere is his latest work, and could qualify as a novelette - in that it is less than 20,000 words. Ye...more
Ancient Wisdom in Modern Yoga
... teacher and director of the Iyengar Yoga Institute of New York, elaborates: “Yoga deals with timeless questions so it is relevant whether we are speaking of the contemporary world or a historical context.”According to, the term, yoga, is “derived from the Sanskrit root, yuj, to join, to unite, to attach.” A further im...more
How to Get a Yoga Trainer License
...nd of such an opportunity.Well, after doing some research online to see about getting certified to teach yoga, it turns out that if I play my cards right...I could be making upwards of $85 per hour teaching yoga. It goes without saying then that I'll need to obtain some kind of yoga trainer license to be able to professionally say I am qualified to teach this form of p...more
Yoga For Stress Management: Start The New Year With A Yoga Plan
...tress Management: Start The New Year With A Yoga Plan Any of us can make a lifestyle change, at any time, but most of us need mile stones such as a birthday, a new year, or a major event in our lives, for us to take the initiative and make a change. What can Yoga do to help you cope with the daily life cy...more


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