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Yoga Sutras of Patanjali - An Historical Text
... the yoga community, though, many say that Patanjali was actually just a compiler and that before the work was written, the Sutras were simply memorized and passed down between teacher and student. Timelines do, though, suggest this text was constructed in about the second century B.C.The name of this text is named using Sanskrit words: yoga, you probably know, is a mindset wherein you...more
Hatha Yoga for Beginners: Discover Peace of Mind
... is a form of Karma Yoga, and you will feel better about yourself.Insecurity is a result of lack of faith. Yoga can help you find faith again. Everyone who practices Yoga long enough understands the Yogic aspect of spiritual health. You do not have to be any particular religion to find your spiritual side. Yoga is universal, non-threatening, a...more
YogaSutra - First Text On Yoga
...s according to patanjali are.1) Yamas (restraint) The importance in yama is given to restraining oneself from anything that tempts pleasure. The yama is split into five parts they are Non-violence against any living thing is known as "Ahimsa", "Satya" which is Honesty or being truthful, Not Stealing other peoples properties (asteya), Celibacy (bramacharya), Not being gre...more
Learning Yoga - Great Reasons to Get Involved
...e and are comfortable.Make sure that you have a quiet place set up at home where you can practice your yoga poses. It is advisable that you do not begin to practice yoga if you have any physical injuries, talk to your doctor first. Yoga is meant to help you, not cause you more pain. Also do not underestimate the energy that is required to perform the yoga poses. They may look s...more
Executive Health - How Can You Cope?
...on. The word yoga is commonly thought to be about dressing in tights and standing in uncomfortable postures that only dancers could do. This is a Western misconception. In India, where yoga started, the word simply means joining of the body, mind and spirit or emotional part of a human being.This union can be a...more


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