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Coping With Pregnancy Back Pain
...o avoid standing for long periods. You need to take proper rest and sleep adequately. Never wear high-heeled shoes. Use flat shoes only. High-heeled shoes create back pain, even in the normal course without pregnancy. To walk on those shoes in pregnancy is both dangerous and harmful.Yoga is helpful and good at all times, for men and women of all ages. But during pr...more
I Need to Lose Weight, Can I Use Yoga? for weight loss.Other poses to look into for the trouble spots are1. Arms: The Bow, Wheel and Balancing Poses2. Abs: The Bow, Peacock and Shoulder Stand Poses.3. Legs: The Sun Salutations, the Inversion Poses and Forward Bending Poses.(I've ensured to make sure these are quite easy for any and every one to do.Now, it will be like preaching to the c...more
Yoga for Mothers
... this while, your mind is opening up and all impure thoughts are just flying out of it.Yoga can be like ‘taking out the trash’.And this can be good for the whole family, especially the kids, as well. After a session of uninterrupted Yoga, you’ll feel renewed. Even a grumpy, sleeping, tired and beaten-out m...more
Ancient Wisdom in Modern Yoga
...s, ligaments and tendons, toned muscles, and a higher degree in purity of blood through the elimination of bodily toxins.How are these effects achieved? Yoga is a science both complex and simple, depending on the perspective of the observer. With that said, for a beginner exploring yoga, it is best to assume a perspective of high regard and patience. Because, yoga, if practiced correctly an...more
Universal Principles of Yoga: Forgiveness
...nce is a natural part of humanity, but consumerism has led to a self-centered path, where the world is wrong and I am right. It is easy to see how fundamentalism can weave its way into this social climate. Why forgive when you can get revenge? Why talk when you can sue?This is why Yoga can help heal tod...more


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