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The Good, Bad, and Ugly of Tantra Yoga
...elity, levels of sexual interest in each other – that person, or couple, should seek professional help with a qualified sex therapist. It only makes sense that you get counseling from the most professional source.A sex therapist is not usually a Tantra Yoga teacher. This is just another way to market and re-package sex therapy. If you h...more
Yoga For Kid
...ildren understand themselves physically, how it will help them take control of stress, how flexible it will make them and how it will help them coordinate their physical and mental abilities.Scheduling The ChildrenAt this time, you may have everybody interested so you have to make time for them. You can suggest to do this program in the mornin...more
Yoga Postures For Kids
...e, cobra, mountain, and cat and dog. A vinyasas is a sequence of postures, and yoga flows are vinoyasas that continuously flow form one to another. Yogoa postures for kids are not speed events and are not meant to be done to the point where any type of pain is caused.All of the yoga postures for kids serves a direct purpose and will benefit one or more body areas. O...more
Learn The History Of Yoga
...eans to enhance the sensory and human ability is the root of all Yoga.The Vedic teachings at this point where not reserved for an religious elite, but was instead transmitted to the people by Vedic prophets, called Rishis, who had gained insight in the origin of life and it's existence. The hymns of these prophets witness of strong intuition, wisdom an...more
Are DVD's on Pilates and Yoga Worth the Purchase?
...ced faithfully, Pilates yields numerous benefits. Increased lung capacity and circulation through deep, healthy breathing is a primary focus. Strength and flexibility, particularly of the abdomen and back muscles, coordination-both muscular and mental, are key components in an effective Pilates program.Well, arguably, since Pilates is a ...more


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