
Yoga Pilates Houston


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Yoga, Something for Everyone
...(yoga breathing), mudra (body gestures) and shatkarma (internal cleansings). Modern Hatha yoga focuses mostly on the yoga postures and does not emphasize many of the other facets.Yoga's history can be traced to the Indus-Sarasvati civilization in northern India over 5,000 years ago. Probably the most famous writing on yoga is the Bhagavad-Gîtâ, which was written around 500 BCE. Unf...more
The Purpose of Yoga - Blissful Aging
...n we were children.”Many Senior Yoga students take their practice home and continue throughout the day. Some of them teach their children, and grand children, which results in closer family ties. They also educate themselves with Yoga books, magazines, DVD’s, and CD’s, which keeps their minds stimulated, expands their knowledge, and gives ...more
Yoga for Beginners: A Stress Management Program that Really Works
...negative in life, does practice his or her own negative brand of Grahana. In fact, some Yoga teachers would say negativity is the opposite of Grahana because it is non-acceptance.On the other hand, if we constantly look at the world with a pessimistic viewpoint, is this a truthful perception of life? To the pessimist, a nega...more
Yoga Center, Finding The Right Center For You
...ny things you need to check before signing up for your yoga lessons. You need to check the instructor’s credentials, facility location, and cost. The instructor's credentials and experience are most important. Also, how the center is set up, the area where you will be exercising and what if any equipment is provided, like the yoga mats, showers and changing rooms for when you hav...more
Oh What a Feeling! - One Session and You’ll be Hooked
...eansed of a stress-induced fog you didn’t even know was there. It’s like washing away a weeks worth of murky worries and doubts, and ending up with a crystal-clear train of thought.Yoga’s powers of mental rejuvenation will affect every aspect of your everyday life. The little things in life (that deadline to meet, that mysterious new scratch in y...more


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