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Yoga Versus Pilates - Which Should I Do?
...y earlierYoga has been around for over 5000 years. It is something much more than just a way of exercising. In fact, it is a lifestyle change that many people need to take seriously. This type of program is centered on the spiritual healing of the body as well as the physical aspects. It uses a wide combination of breathing and movements to get the body back into its target...more
The Four Stages of Yoga Evolution
...ardizing it. Therefore, in the second century, Patanjali composed a seminal text, Yoga Sutra and Classical Yoga. At these times the 195 sutras in Yoga Sutra, used in Raja Yoga (the eightfold Yoga path).The eightfold Yoga paths are:Yama (restraint)Niyama (observance of purity, tolerance and study)Pranayama (breath ...more
Thai Massage Berlin: Introduction to Thai Massage
...ame to Thailand in conjunction with Buddhism and is called Nuad Phaen Boran in the old writings. Nowadays Thai massage is an integral element of the traditional Thai medicine.On the one Hand Thai massage is a manifold science, which is taught at the university as part of a four-year traditional medical degree program. On the other hand Thai massage is practiced with much...more
The Wonders Of Yoga
...appropriately descriptive term since yoga's principles are based on the notion that the body and mind cannot and should not be considered as being separate from each other.For hundreds of years Yoga has helped millions maintain flexibility, good health, and a positive outlook. Today, yoga is proving an effective therap...more
Have a Health Problem? Yoga Can Solve It - Part 3
...tions (mildly 3-6 rounds), the Bow Pose and Triangle Poses. (Avoid Dairy, Wheat and Animal products and other processed and convenience foods!)33. Sexual disorders: Inverted Poses, Head to knee poses sitting and standing, bow pose, Balancing Poses (Peacock and Crow variations)34. Spinal Stiffness: Spinal Twist, Bow, Sun Salutations Twisted Crow Poses.35. Stomach Sagging: Inverted...more


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