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Fourth Niyama - Svadhyaya
...ntuition or “gut feeling.” When describing this to Yoga teachers, I place more emphasis on how the heart feels. If you are about to make an ethical choice, and you give it deep thought, you feel gratification. Therefore, you are “doing the right thing.”On the other hand, if you felt that revenge would give you gra...more
Teaching Hatha Yoga: My Yoga Students Do Not Want to Practice Pranayama
...achers should explain the many values Pranayama and of Hatha Yoga’s other aspects. Yoga teachers should not surrender the control of the class structure to students, who need direction.Your value, as a Yoga teacher, is that you know the proper direction the class is going in, and why your Yoga class is going in a particular direction. You, and your Yoga st...more
Breast Cancer Awareness and the Benefits of Practicing Yoga Daily
...d poses, breathing exercises, and meditation. All activities were performed in a seated or reclining position, with props for support as appropriate.The results are hardly surprising to those of us who have felt the benefits of regular yoga practice for ourselves. The study concluded that yoga is associated with beneficial effects on social functioning among a medically diverse sam...more
The Cure to Loneliness: Finding a Guru
...but by adding your drop of the ocean back into the voluminous sea, you actually have more to draw from and can become a much more rich and vibrant individual.You don’t have to travel to India; you don’t even have to be Indian. You don’t even have to practice yoga very much to find a guru. The great thing is about this tradition i...more
The Four Paths of Yoga
...a is based on the study of philosophy and meditation as a means to unify the body and mind in order to achieve enlightenment. In this method, the body and mind must be purified for a person to totally experience the joy of liberating the soul and connecting with the real self.Karma is derived from the Sanskrit word meaning "to do" and in its simplest sense Karma means "action". Karma Yoga'...more


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