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The Qualities of a Great Yoga Teacher
..., that brings him such a successful school of yoga.What I mean by “gives away” is everything from the time he volunteers to various community organizations (i.e. he teaches for free wherever he can find a need for yoga in the community) to being available to students outside of classes to help them with any challenge they may be facing. He is a natural “therapist”, a...more
Yoga And Pregnancy
... and without my babe – and breathe. Interestingly, I experienced profound shifts in peace-of-mind when my practice was neglected and when I re-found it.Giving birth changes a woman. We’re all different to start with and so are our changes. When we become mothers our connection with Spirit becomes stronger. Yoga helps me to embrace this responsibility, and trust...more
Yoga Off the Mat - A Lesson From the Ocean
... rhythm. I observed how a single wave was its own entity and yet part of the entire ocean. It was impossible I observed to feel any kind of separation when we see ourselves in the same way. We are the wave and the ocean. The Self and Atman. Everything was contained in that one moment just like it is contained in this moment....more
Yoga To Avoid Lenses
...e right palm over the right eye. Do not press the eyeballs. Breathe in and out slowly to release stress. Repeat 2-3 times.3. Also asanas that strengthen the eyes include the Bhujangasana (snake pose), Surya Namaskara (sun salutes), and Shavasana (rest pose).4. Sit straight in any comfortable posture. Stretch both your arms forward up to the shoulder Siddhasana, Sukhasana or Padmasana. This k...more
Thai Massage Versus Sports Massage - Which Is Better For Athletes?
...sage is like having yoga done to you.Like massage, Thai massage is performed by a practitioner onto a recipient. The client passively receives a series of stretches and compressions. Unlike most massage styles, a highly-skilled therapist will also receive therapeutic effects by offering the treatment.Like yoga, a session involves a series of dynamic stretches. Like stretches or postures in yoga (a...more


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