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Importance of Controlling Your Mind
...nce in yoga, body and soul are two different aspects; raga is the liking of pleasurable experience; dvesha or aversion to pain; abhinivesha or fear of death. Yoga understands the human behaviour from the perspective of these five qualities which are assumed to be present in a person since birth and are considered as the impurities of the mind. They make ...more
Sweatin' with the Yogis
... yoga is easier than other yoga programs. It isn't usually necessary to skip postures because you are unable to do them. Each posture is performed in sets of three so it's no trouble to learn and perfect them faster. Bikram yoga requires two sided mirrors, and detailed, repetitive instructions so it isn't necessary to look...more
The Many Forms Of Yoga
...ocks, straps), and these courses are highly addictive. As you can see, there are many sorts of yoga that you can easily take part in.What are the different types of yoga not mentioned here? Well, there are many. The fact is that yoga is an ancient practice with many different schools and teachings. Although your local health club may offer a few of the aforementioned courses, it is better t...more
The Purpose of Yoga - Spiritual Health
...itual aspect of Yoga is rarely discussed in Yoga studios and health clubs outside of India. The style of Yoga most commonly seen, in the west, is Hatha Yoga, which usually focuses on physical, mental, and emotional health.Hatha Yoga classes in the west, contain Christians, Jews, Moslems, Hindus, Buddhists, and others, prac...more
The Purpose of Yoga - Creating the World From Within
...our Yoga practice will help you find and retain it.Here is a hint: People will give anything and everything to possess it, but it is illusive, a rare find, and not easy to hold onto. In a “nutshell,” it is “happiness.” As a matter of fact, happiness is the number one objective of humankind, but how can Yoga help you find it,...more


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