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Pregnancy and Yoga - Should You or Shouldn't You? are best for you and your baby. You may also be able to find a prenatal yoga class in your area - if you live in a city with a higher population. They are still more difficult to find in smaller towns. A certified yoga instructor that has been trained in pregnancy related poses can be of tremendous help.Again, be sure you consult your doctor before beginning any kind of exercise pr...more
Give Us Free Yoga
...hing, you are willing to pay for it. Would you like a free vacation spent in a conference room, with someone trying to sell you a “land deal” or would you just like some time to relax away from home? Personally, I am not interested in a free trip to learn about buying a swamp and am willing to pay for a nice vacation.Nothing in life is real...more
An Introduction to the Different Types of Yoga
...he channelling and release of Kundalini energy; the energy that lies dormant at the base of the spine and is guided through the body's major energy centres.Kripalu Yoga - a more meditative form of yoga, this style aims to encourage insight and awareness of the self. Although not as dynamic as some other yoga styles, this style does work as deeply on both the m...more
Try Yoga To Relieve Your Stress
...ove our cardiovascular system, strength our muscles and improve our flexibility. But equally important, yoga can reduce our stress level and help us improve the quality of our life, by helping us to truly relax to a deeper level.High levels of stress develop the fight or flight syndrome. This stored stress will result in an increased h...more
Pregnancy and Yoga
...a pregnancy can go smooth without any trouble but other times it is not so successful. Although a woman knows she must endure what ever pain comes with child birth she may not be aware of the one natural way to minimize the pain. Yoga is often overlooked when it comes to pregnancy but it is probably the most effective. Because yog...more


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