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Yoga Instructor Training - Yoga and Sciatica
...viate symptoms.Yoga has many poses (asanas). With proper guidance asanas can relieve pain. The pigeon pose helps to open the hips and stretch the muscle in the gluteal region, the piriformis muscle. Both the locust pose and the cobra pose effective stretch the sciatic area, improving circulation and lifting pressure.All students should be continuously encourage...more
Yoga and Mantra Meditation
... word "yoga" means "union" or to "link up with", specifically referring to linking up with God or the Supreme Being. The practice of hatha and astanga yoga is a preliminary process designed to assist the yogi in controlling their senses to able to focus better on the Supreme. Ultimately the practitioner is able to control and raise their life air through the chakra...more
Teaching Hatha Yoga: My Yoga Students Do Not Want to Practice Pranayama Yoga and martial arts differ, I will draw you a parallel, philosophical, and mental picture. Japanese is a very deep language, much like Sanskrit. Sometimes these two languages make me think of jewelry boxes within a larger jewelry box.Within the Japanese language, there is a word for teacher. We call him, or her, “sensei.”...more
Yoga And Pregnancy
...body that used to bend over backwards in scorpion pose became heavy and constricted. At eight months pregnant, I had trouble with simple moves like putting-on-shoes-asana. Nevertheless, continuing with a modified yoga practice kept me flexible and strong. By practicing yoga I released shoulder tension and kept my legs strong throughout the pregnancy. ...more
Practicing Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga, which thereby increases its' force and speed.A lot of heat is generated in the body when breathing ujjayi style. It also helps keep the mind focused on the asanas themselves, and is thus a good way to train the mind. It is said that the asanas, in combination with the heat generated, help eliminate toxins from the body. The practice, of breath and asana, is considered a way to purif...more


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