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Crescent Moon Yoga And Pilates Mats


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Different Poses For Yoga
...ed a blanket to help strengthen your shoulders. The pose is known as the Salamba Sarvangasana. It will help you to get rid of stress, help the thyroid to become stimulated, stretch the muscles of the shoulders, tone the butt, lower tiredness, help you to sleep and make your asthma better. If you are havi...more
The Mind – Body - Spirit Connection to Good Health Through Yoga
..., prescribe drugs, which then add side effects that are sometimes worse than the cure.A simple change in philosophy can make dramatic alterations in your life. By adding just 30-minutes of Yoga to your daily routine can improve your health ten-fold. Many who start Yoga after 50 discover that they sleep be...more
Yoga: One Reason You Should Not Do Yoga Posture – The Plank
...Plank – (called sometimes High Chaturanga)The Plank posture is a good precursor to more challenging arm balances postures.In the Plank the body is in a straight line from the ears, through the shoulders and hips, to the heels. The body should not arch or sag.During performing this posture the abdominal muscles are kept lifte...more
Teaching Hatha Yoga - Reaching Happiness and Good Health From Within
...e when we purposely make it our objective. Seeing the value of your own intelligence, your family, your friends, and appreciating your good health, will bring you true happiness.Many of us have the ability to choose to be happy. It is as simple as continually saying, "I am happy." If you say this to yourself oft...more
Yoga Bolsters
...ints are that aren't in contact with the floor is where you will get the most benefit from a bolster.As for where to get a bolster, you can do a simple internet search of the words "Yoga Bolster" and you will literally find hundreds of thousands of results. One thing to keep in mind when purchasing a bolster is that you generally get what you pay for. If you...more


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