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Marketing 102
...ationship can be a simple, "Now that you bought a hamburger, would you like fries with that?". Sometimes it'll take a bit of sleuthing to find out what your group has in common - A club affiliation? A love of art? Restaurant? A Hobby? A type of car?Let's continue (from Marketing 101) our example of Janet, who makes earrings....more
The Best Way To Learn Yoga Poses
...nd the best kind of class for your needs and the only way is to experience the poses. For the first couple of classes it is smart sit somewhere where you can see the teacher and the other students this way you can look how the poses are done and replicate them.Sun SalutationMost beginner classes will start with teaching you the ...more
A Yoga Book Club
...ay to keep your body active at the same time? In our busy world today, yoga is just the thing we need to slow down, relax, and take time to smell the roses.In order to have a successful yoga book club, you must find 3-4 other members who are willing to get physical with you! By this I mean part of the go...more
Yoga Blankets For Comfort And Warmth
...lankets which are machine pressed. These are wide enough sheets to do all the required asanas.These blankets can be used for the poses like Sirsansana (headstand), Sarvangasana (shoulderstand), Bikram Yoga, Ashtanga and Savasana (corpse pose). These would provide the warmth needed by your body while doing the poses. The colors can be one or a blend of two or three colors for...more
Yoga and Neck Problems: What's the Risk?
... the Risk? Firstly, a Yoga student, who has such a serious ailment, should get their doctor’s permission before starting to practice Yoga with a teacher. If possible, get a doctor’s referral to a particular Yoga teacher, who is more knowledgeable in this area. Many doctors often network with local Yoga teachers, studios, and ashrams, for the benefit of their patients.Chair Yoga classes ...more


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