
Hatha Yoga Certification Home Study


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Yoga is "Unity"
...ther student or teacher - that is not union. If anything, it will hold you back from union and many more valuable contributions that Yoga can make to your life.Feel free to visit our "brand new" forum that will be open to the public on July 6, 2005. You can find it at: will find a variety of Yoga and related topics to learn a...more
Cheap Yoga Mats used for yoga mats. Yoga mats are generally 4-5mm thick, since these mats can be stiff enough not to crease on the floor while being flexible enough to be rolled up, carried and washed. Cheap yoga mats should also handle repeated washing. Some yoga mats these days are also non-toxic and eco-friendly. Other d...more
Foundations of Yoga: Yama and Niyama, Part 1 text: 'It is in those who have tapas [strong discipline] and brahmacharya [chastity] that truth is established.' (Prashna Upanishad 1:15)And in the Gita: 'Firm in their vow of brahmacharya.' (Bhagavad Gita 6:14) So yama and niyama are methods of yoga" in themselves and are not mere adjuncts or aids that can be optional.But at the same time, the practice of ...more
Benefits Of Padangusthasana
...improving your flexibility which becomes very useful in our daily life. The asana is also known as head to foot pose. Your desire to regulate your blood pressure can be done by this asana. The pressure on your head and the stretching of the muscles relaxes your brain, making you work out things more easily and calmly. The stretching...more
My Experience with Bikram Yoga
...induism and regionally from Yoga College of India. Bikram yoga consists of 26 asanas or postures and two breathing exercises.The word asana translates to the word "seat" which refers to the spirit in relation to the divine. Asanas are intended to lead back to sitting in meditation. The practice of asanas improve flexibility and tendon str...more


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