
Krams Yoga Dvd


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The Four Paths of Yoga
...g of God", which is an ancient, sacred text that some consider a practical, self-contained guide to life. These types of yoga are Bhakti Yoga, Dhyana Yoga, Jnana Yoga and Karma Yoga.Bhakti is a Sanskrit word meaning "devotion" and this form of yoga is based on the spiritual practice of developing a loving d...more
The Benefits And Joys Of Yoga
...d we forget the essence of life. We tend to lose touch with the ones we used to spend time with, even ourselves. We find ourselves rushing most of the time with the deadlines and hassles we need to keep up with. This leaves us a small time to wander and have that physical awareness. These are the few things that yoga can provide. Once in...more
Concentration and Meditation
...ward the object of concentration. This means a complete cessation of distractions implying the absence of the thought process. And this is the definition of yoga itself as given in the very first sutra. Another way of seeing the distractions is in terms of the degree or depth of concentration. If the depth is not at its highest point there wou...more
Relieve Back Pain With Yoga
...natives and that is exercise.Of all the exercises available, one of the most popular choices of gentle exercises is yoga. In the beginning, yoga was a Hindu spiritual practice. It is designed as a series of healing exercises that work to promote the health of both the mind and the body. Hindus often used a beginner form of yoga known as vi...more
Allergies - Yoga and Lifestyle
...medicine emphasis on an ideal life style based on yoga which helps to remove stress and leads to relaxation which are extremely effective in reducing the allergy symptoms by tempering the immune system's response to the offender.a) Practicing yoga posture in a relaxing way with slow deep breathing relaxes the nervous system is beneficial in fighting allergies.** Kapalabha...more


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