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The Yoga Way to Health and Well Being
...ed ability to relax, improved concentration as well as a reduced likelihood of depression. Yoga differentiates itself from other exercises as it draws on the entire person as a whole.Half an hour of yoga a day, or 15 minutes of yoga twice a day, can easily be incorporated into any daily schedule. Some breathing tech...more
Yoga And Acne? Yoga Teaches About Acne
...e time. Oils cannot flow freely through the tight surface of the skin and become trapped. Because these oil pockets are oxygen free bacteria multiplies in them growing into a zit. Yoga can help with this by stretching the skin and causing pores to open. Yoga practices helps the skins pores function properly by allowing oil to move from the skin unimpeded. Simhasana (lions pose)...more
Five Relaxation Techniques for Fibromyalgia are different types of meditation, but one of the more popular types is focused concentration. This meditation involves the repetition of a sound or word, or focusing on breathing to clear the mind.To begin, sit on the floor or chair and close your eyes. Focus on repeating a positive word you like, or breathing (inhaling/exhaling). Do your best to remain as still as possible as you concen...more
Top 5 Myths about Yoga
...riers ofcountry, religion and cast only narrow minded people can say that yoga isfor a specific religion.Yoga practitioner must keep away from worldly duties The ultimate goal of yoga is self-realization or union with god. However,that doesn’t mean that only monks or renunciates can practice it. Everybodyhas ...more
Yoga Mats
... try washing them a few times. Walking over the mat for some time may also help. There are a few tips for extending the life of the yoga mats. Though most yoga mats are machine washable, the use of strong detergents, tumble-drying and spin washing may spoil the mat. The mat can also be cleaned with a damp cloth. Do not fold wet mats - squeez...more


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