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Realistic Expectations for Chair Yoga Students
... a physical adjustment, but some teachers are more “hands on.” You will notice your posture change, for the better, right away and your spine will thank you for it.Proper breathing helps us deal with stress and oxygenates the blood faster than the more common “shallow breath.” In many cases deeper breathing will improve high blood pressur...more
Yoga Teachers Lead by Example (Part 2)
...arian, please do not bolster your ego over the issue. Do not engage in hostile debates over these issues. There is a time, place, and method for convincing people about health issues, but hostility will not convince anyone.Bias and discrimination are hard habits to break. Sometimes, these ideas exist within ...more
Chair Yoga Case Study - A Path to Inner Peace
...r, including a wheelchair.What better way to illustrate how chair yoga has benefited those unable to attend a traditional yoga class than to tell it in their own words? Hi! I’m Michael. I’m a 40-year old graphic designer in Kansas City. I have multiple sclerosis. I began practicing chair yoga a few months a...more
Yoga in Practice: Train Your Mind for Empowerment, Part 3
...ught to the outcome, you cannot look back at decisions with regret.Lastly, instant decisions depend upon how we have previously trained our mind. Yoga and meditation help you train your mind at all times. When you train your mind for empowerment, you will be able to make the most rational decision in an emergency. You will also be able to help those you love most.© Copyright 20...more
Yoga As An Effective Treatment For Back Pain
...found that most forms of low back pain respond well to conservative (non-surgical) treatments. These simple treatments can really address the causes of the pain and provide lasting relief.Exercise is nature's cureAs counter-intuitive as it may seem at first, one of the most effective treatments for lower back pain is exercise - regardless of the underlying cause of the back pain. Exercise ...more


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