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What is Yoga?
...amed Asthangayoga. First written records of yoga date back to 200 BC in Yogasutra of Patanjali. Yoga itself is really not a religion, however, it is connected to the Hindu tradition and is based on many of their beliefs such as karma and reincarnation.Yoga originally meant "union" in ancient India where yoga was first started. Many believe that this union occurs between the mi...more
Real Estate Investing and Yoga
...a it occurred to me that successful real estate investing is very much like yoga. Both are very simple in execution and theory; however both require discipline, consistency and perseverance.In yoga you take a relatively simple position and hold it for a long period of time to derive benefit. Likely at this point you see where I'm going with t...more
Yoga Teacher Certification in New England
...rtification in the New England area. From Maine to Rhode Island, your options are wide open. Perhaps you are looking at obtaining a bikram yoga certification. Bikram yoga is a style of yoga that is performed in a heated room to improve body detoxification. If that sounds like your style, then a bikram yoga certification just might be for you.Maybe you are more interested in holistic yoga. ...more
What Is the Difference Between a CYT-Certified Yoga Teacher and RYT-Registered Yoga Teacher? has been completed, according to their requirements.The Yoga Alliance publishes their requirements for the RYT on their website. As of this writing, they are the only recognized association in the United States that registers yoga instructors. The main difference between these two acronyms comes from the RYT designation, which is a registered trademark by the Yoga Alliance.To be...more
Hatha Yoga for Stress Management: Creating Your New Year Yoga Plan in mindfulness, but will cause you to open a form of consciousness, which will improve your daily life.In order for us to make changes, we must first want, plan, observe, take action, and practice Yoga each day. Yoga is not a physical exercise to be counted by the minutes you practice on a Yoga mat. Physical exercise is just one aspect of Hatha Yoga.To bring your life in balance, you mu...more


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