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Yoga Teacher for a Day, Part 2
...ion may be a corporate fitness center, senior center, nursing home, church group, private session, assisted living complex, or teaching Yoga at your own studio.Some Yoga teachers have a studio in their home, so there is no commute to deal with. Personally, I would rather get out of the house, to avoid stagnation, but some Yo...more
The Secret of Karma Yoga
...sage. After a time Ramana maharishi (Sage Ramana) went up the hill and a few followed him, including the pundit. There was a thorny stick lying on the way which Ramana picked up; he sat down and began leisurely to work at it. The thorns were cut off, the knots were made smooth, and the whole stick was polished with a rough leaf. The whole operation...more
Coping Strategies - Yoga For Menopause Relief
...y individual, and yoga is not specific like the drugs of modern medicine. There is no one set series of postures that thus make up a 'remedy' for the symptoms of perimenopause.Yoga is, instead, an adaptive discipline that can support the body through the myriad of biological changes it is making. Importantly, it can also support our minds and emotions, and allow us to c...more
IBS Treatments
...nt is really suffering from IBS or not. These include sigmoidoscopy, biopsy, colonoscopy, stool testing and X-ray of the bowels. It is only after establishing the existence of IBS beyond any doubt that the physician can formally start the treatment.There are two medicines, clinically tested and approved, that are available for tr...more
Yoga's Place in America of individuality slip away in order to feel less alone. Loneliness shortens Americans lives, gives us more health problems, and makes us the most depressed citizenry in the world.The word guru is derived from two Sanskrit words, ru, meaning remove, and gu, meaning darkness or muck. Find your Western guru and find peace of mind by move ...more


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