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Three Branding Lessons I Learned From Inside the Yoga Temple
... floated in the air above me was challenging. I'd fall out of the move, and became frustrated.No matter the size, or age, of your business there will be times when what you forecasted doesn't go as planned. It's easy to just throw your hands up in the air and give up or change your course completely - your brand isn't built on that now is it? Before you b...more
Is Yoga Helpful To Cure Obesity?
...a is really simple but it has so many features. It can cure your body imperfection like kyphosis. Kyphosis is the limitation in which the spine angles in ‘C’ shape. This defect generates due to wrong sitting habits. In yoga there are so many asnas which can cure this defect e.g. bhujang asana. Bhujang means positioning your body in a Snake like position...more
Tantric Yoga
...hese aspects, some for three. The variety of Yoga techniques is truly endless. Nevertheless, there is one form that is likely sought after more than the rest. Though prized and desirable, this technique is also the most difficult to learn and master. This particular format is known as Tantric Yoga.Some early documents actually trace the roots of the practice of Ta...more
Understanding The Different Types Of Yoga
...absolute ideal is to be free of any emotional or materials attachment to be one and harmonize with the God and the Universe even depriving yourself of food, oxygen and sleep. Once your body attains flexibility, it will align with your needs and desires. "Samadhi", this is the highest state, to be one with God, the Nirvana state of raja yoga.While Ivengar focus on ...more
What is Yoga?
...owledge of Yoga was first passed by Lord Shiva to his wife Parvati and from there into the lives of men.There are many parts of the Yoga family or many different forms. Karma Yoga, Raja Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Jnana Yoga are all well known forms of Yoga, but there are many more.According to Wikipedia, “Karma yoga, or the "discipline of action" is one of the four pil...more


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