
Colored Yoga Mats


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Personal Trainer for Weight Loss? Try Yoga Instead
...ainers tell you to "push harder, make yourself do it," a personal yoga teacher will encourage you to respect your limits without judgment.Non-harming is taught as a tenet of yoga. This includes respecting and accepting yourself (including your body) as you are today instead of forcing the body to do things it's not ready for. This also includes training the mind to be aware o...more
Really Great Low Back Pain Exercises!
... forms of exercise and is the best at keeping you lithe, limber and flexible. One of the best positions for your back is the downward dog which stretches all the muscles in your back as well as your thighs and calves and shoulders and arms. You begin on all fours, elbows and knees equal widths apart then you begin to push up with your legs and then your arms until your body forms a triangle bas...more
Can Tai Chi or Yoga Ease Back Pain?
...person restore both body and mind. By doing Yoga exercises you are strengthening your back muscles, improving posture and bring into line the spine. Yoga practitioners believe that if you learn about your body, in this case your back, then you become more able to tune into the area of problems and make them better before they become really bad.Each one of the ma...more
Yoga for Life
...ith head down and back rounded – and it is sooo relaxing.On hands and knees, you would probably recognize the cat back (marjari-asana) and the table (svan-asana). And what about all those wonderful twists to release the spine: seated twist (matsyendr-asana); and the knee down twist (supta matsyendr-asana).These are the same stretches orthopedists recommend f...more
Healthy Mind & Mind With Yoga
...t, you must have come across Yoga Guru Patanjali, who defined Yoga as: “A steady and comfortable state of Body and Mind means Asana (posture)”.While, doing any exercise, it is obvious that the strain on muscles increases, as does the requirement for blood and oxygen. However, practitioners of Yoga have found t...more


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