
Cotton Yoga Mats Cover


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Kundalini Yoga
...ishna offered to Swami Vivekananda all his occult powers. Vivekananda asked whether these would help him to realise God. Ramakrishna replied they wouldn’t but he could use these occult powers to do good in the world. Vivekananda replied that if these powers didn’t help his spiritual realisation he didn’t want them. Ramakrishna was so proud of his disciple for not b...more
Natural Remedy for Arthritis
...his oil comes is rose in color and has special effects on Vata and Kapha type bodies.Herbs useful in Arthritis CureGinger (Zingiber officinale) is useful in controlling pain and inflammation. Dried and powdered ginger taken internally is beneficial in reducing joint pains and inflammation. No side effects recorded.Turmeric (Curcuma longa) also has anti-inflammatory properti...more
Using Yoga To Improve Your Health And Save Your Time
...wards) aids in quick digestion too.The ancient practice of grinding herbs by rolling the pestle in circular motion has been incorporated in Yoga, and is good for the shoulders and tummy. Simhasana or kneeling with the tongue protruding out is supposed to clear the throat of coughs. Kapalbhatti, which includes only deep exhalation, is supposed to clear the head of phlegm, thus preve...more
Who Should Be Allowed To Teach Yoga To The Public?
...a teachers would be responsible, but would each one favor his, or her, style in the process? There is bound to be some bias. So, which is more important, a perfect head stand or in-depth knowledge of the Bhagavad Gita?If the above-mentioned question strikes you as silly, it was meant to be. Yoga teachers should have diverse knowledge of a...more
Paths of Yoga II
...trength, flexibility and workout including challenging series of postures with Ujjayi Breathing and vinyasas. In yoga terminology, this is called “flow”.This process leads to an intense internal heat and a prolific sweat that purifies muscles and organs. The result is improved circulation, a light and strong body, and a calm mind.Iyengar Yoga:Iyengar...more


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