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Yoga Teacher Certification or Registration - Part 2
...wrong Yoga credential. A Yoga teacher should have a minimum of 200 hours of study. The Yoga teacher course selected should cover all the facets of Yoga, but when considering liability, anatomy, kinesiology, physiology, safety, modifications, props, and contraindications are of prime importance.When I hire a Yoga tea...more
Kundalini Yoga is also known as the power of the Mother aspect of the Divine.To practise Kundalini yoga we need to take the greatest care, it is advisable to always practise Kundalini yoga under the guidance of a spiritual teacher. The powers of Kundalini yoga can easily be misused causing problems for the seeker.Sri Chinmoy...more
What is Yoga?
...tra of Patanjali. Yoga itself is really not a religion, however, it is connected to the Hindu tradition and is based on many of their beliefs such as karma and reincarnation.Yoga originally meant "union" in ancient India where yoga was first started. Many believe that this union occurs between the mind, body and spirit. There are 8 types of yoga and asana deals with the physical side of postures...more
Yoga - Breathing Correctly A Simple Exercise To Help You Feel Better Instantly!
... your palms touch.Then with a double inhalation this time, bring your arms back out, straightening your legs as you do so - and then tense the entire body upwards in a wave fashion.Now, relax the body downwards in a wave in reverse order with another double exhalation. Repeat this exercise 5 times. To help you understand this, and to do it ...more
Kripalu Yoga-Learn the Benefits
... of this practice in which your body becomes a temple, which you invoke with the presence of the divine. Each sensation you experience becomes sacred. Sensations are responded to with much tenderness and compassion. Every session is approached with an attitude of prayer.The practice of Kripalu Yoga can take you to new spiritual and physical levels in your life. This form of Yoga p...more


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