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Feel Great with Bikram Yoga
...killer and the better we learn to manage our stress, the better our health can be.The endurance required in Bikram Yoga helps you to learn how to focus your energies. This is undoubtedly a good trait to master. The better we can focus in our everyday lives, the more we can accomplish and the better we will feel about ourselves.Though Bikram Yoga is not necessarily...more
Teaching Hatha Yoga - Obstacles to Instructing in Western Public Schools
...against humanity, and also believe, they will go to heaven for it.Therefore, how do you explain the benefits of Yoga for children in public schools? If two thirds of the adult population, in the West, has never practiced Yoga, you must assume that you have to thoroughly explain what you are teaching.Before you talk to anyo...more
Understanding the Different Types of Yoga
...more popular activity in the Western world today. The number of places holding Yoga classes is on the increase and there is a plethora of different types of Yoga. With a choice of Hatha Yoga, Ashtanga Yoga, Power Yoga, Iyengar Yoga, Bikram Yoga, Vinyasa Yoga and many more it can be easy to get confusedThe article will help...more
Yoga and the Breath
...t there is no one right way to breathe in yoga. If, in your yoga practice, your goal is total relaxation then your breathing should reflect that. This means long deep breaths meant to slow your heart rate and allow you to fully relax into the yoga pose. Here are a few tips:* The diaphragm is where the breath originates in yoga and in everyday life. When y...more
Universal Principles of Yoga, Part 2
... than no union at all.” This indicates something ancient Yogis knew thousands of years ago. The path of Hatha Yoga will be much easier to follow than the paths of Bhakti Yoga, Raja Yoga, Karma Yoga, and Jnana Yoga.There are many styles of Yoga, but let’s look at some of the main Indian Yoga styles and their approach to unity. There are many other Indian Yoga styles, and no disrespect is inte...more


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