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Yoga and Pranayama For Applied Energy
...s for the cultivation of energy or life force, which Yogis call, “Prana.” People think of Pranayama as a Yogic breathing technique, only. Pranayama is much more than breathing. Pranayama is the cultivation of life force for your own health and those around you.For those who have not yet found their true purpose in life, Yoga will reveal the hidden potential, which exists within...more
Yoga in the West
...widely read books on yoga throughout the world today. Since these two pioneers, a number of other influential teachers have brought their particular focus on yoga to the West, including, most notably, B.K.S. Iyengar (founder of Iyengar Yoga), Swami Rama (the Himalayan Institute), Swami Satchidananda (Integral Yoga), and Swami Vishnu-devananda (Sivan...more
10 Benefits For You With Yoga Fitness
...good level of fitness to even start. Then there are others like yoga fitness that can benefit all ages and all levels of fitness and health.Yoga fitness will benefit you in many areas too numerous to mention the all here, but the top 10 in my opinion are1. greater balance 2. lower pulse rate, 3. lower respiratory rate, 4. improved cardiovas...more
Yoga: Three Reasons You Should Not Do Plough
...e the opportunity to live healthier and happier life.The system of yoga involves five main principles: exercise (asana), breathing (pranayama), relaxation (shavasana), diet and meditation. To slow down the aging process one principle cannot exist without another. This is the holistic approach towards life.The Plough is a very dynamic and extreme forward bending pos...more
Yoga - More than the "Aerobics of India" mainstream.Yoga is much more than sitting in a lotus position and chanting in unison. Yoga is not aerobics, not gymnastic: unlike stretching or fitness, yoga is more than just physical postures. Many people have the misconception that yoga is not really a workout. Yoga is absolutely advantageous for you, but it won't substitute i.e. weight training. In practice, yoga is an a...more


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