
Gofit Yoga Mat In New York City


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Yoga in Practice - Solutions for Negativity
... practice Yoga in classes. The person, who is negative, must want to change, and must stay in Yoga classes for this to work. Here’s how participating in regular Yoga classes helps purge negative energy from the body, and mind, of anyone willing to go the distance.The atmosphere of a Yoga studio, Yoga ce...more
The Truth About Vinyasa Yoga
... are vigorous. The postures are not held in a fixed position for long and classes flow with rhythm, similar to music.The energy used in flowing from one movement, to the next, continues throughout a typical Vinyasa Yoga class. This type of Yoga class will challenge aerobic endurance, enhance flexibility, and build overall strength.There are many variations of Vinyasa Yoga c...more
Hatha Yoga established by Yogi Swatmarama, a sage of 15th century India, and is also known as the compiler of the Hatha Yoga Pradipika. Hatha Yoga is meant to be a type of Yoga that is 'a stairway to the heights of Raja Yoga', therefore a preliminary stage of physical purification that prepares the body for the practice of higher medi...more
Teaching Yoga for Stress Management - Where to Begin
...ow to the muscles.This, in turn, gives instant power to the muscles. At the same time, the breath rate is accelerated to bring more oxygen to vital areas. In terms of survival, the mind and body are programmed to perform an efficient chemical and mechanical reaction to save our lives.Yet, many people have this same reaction, while commu...more
Kundalini – the Secrets and Dangers of the "Coiled Serpent"
...tnessed scary cases where I couldn’t tell if the person was on his way to getting liberated and illuminated, or to the nearest mental asylum.One early author, Gopi Krishna, whose Kundalini was awakened pretty much accidentally, wrote in great length about the agonies he went through for years to “control the fir...more


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