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Calf Soreness Can Result From Sciatica
...through to the toes. Numbness and tingling of the feet is commonly reported in the cases.There are many occurrences where calf soreness is experienced but is not immediately attributed to sciatica. This sometimes delays correct treatment that targets the true source of the pain. Sometimes people associate calf soreness to unusual physical activity or improper footwear...more
Chair Yoga Case Study - Reduced Anxiety and Blood Pressure
...epression worsens. The classes have become a social time for me and I have made some wonderful new friends. My Monday class is a great way to start my week and keeps me going for the rest of my week. All the other students are non-judgmental and it is wonderful knowing that they are all dealing with their own health issues.I have made incredible strides in lowering my blood p...more
Yoga - Three Reasons You Should Not Do Kapalabhati Pranayama sleepiness and removes sensory distraction from the mind.Kapalabhati should be practiced on an empty stomach, three to four hours after a meal. It is best to practice it after asanas and before meditation.Note: If you start experiencing any pain or dizziness, stop the practice immediately.The Kapalabhati Breathing has tremendous benefits to a practitioner. However, there are some health ...more
Yoga: Adding Balance to Your Life not for everyone. In particular, if you have suffered any damage to your neck or back, headstands may not be good for you.But there’s a yoga style that’s right for everyone. Yoga is now widely taught in yoga centers, YMCAs, on TV, and is available on video, audiotapes and in many of books. Whatever method you choose, be sure to choose a class and teaching style that inspires and is ap...more
Can Yoga Cure Obesity?
... common problems faced by this generation is obesity. Today, obesity is being cured with many advanced techniques like gastric bypass surgery, diet pills and squeezing the size of stomachs. For a shorter duration it may please, but it does not help in the longer run. Most of the obese people consume pills in the U.S. and it tackles the problem for a short duration. But...more


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