
Learning Hatha Yoga Online


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The History of Yoga
... were passed down from teacher to student through word of mouth. These techniques had never been written down until the Indian sage Patanjali wrote down a systematic method of yoga in the Yoga Sutras. Patanjali is considered to be the father of yoga.According to Patanjali, there are eight limbs of yoga, which lead to the ultimate goal of enlightenment.Yama -...more
Introduction to the Science of Kundalini Yoga
... that where your awareness is, that is where Kundalini is flowing or that where Kundalini is flowing is where your awareness is. To awaken Kundalini means to dissipate blockages in the gross and subtle systems in your being and allow for greater and greater flow of energy and awareness. As blockages are cleared trapped energy is released and pathways are cleared. Kundalini then is able t...more
Insider Secrets to the Business of Teaching Yoga, Part 4
...y don’t participate in, or listen to, much negative talk, and you can’t afford to either.As a Yoga teacher, you have to be positive when teaching every Yoga class. Your students will feel negative energy from you, and it is hard for any Yoga teacher to help others if he or she is “feeling down in the dumps.”Some negative thinkers will tell you to resign yourself...more
How To Become A Certified Yoga Teacher Without Leaving The House
...fied Yoga Teacher Without Leaving The House Yoga is a form of exercise that proves to be effective in cleansing the body, relaxing the mind and increasing the flexibility of the body. With this, many health problems can be addressed through yoga. This is why more and more people turn to yoga teachers ...more
The Diamond Pose - An Essential for the Yoga Beginner
...sit on your heels...that’s about it.Even several non-yoga practitioners execute this pose for its immense benefits in inducing a state of meditation, and calm. They include Muslims, Buddhist Monks and African Herbalists.Heck, even kids and some animals can be observed executing this yoga pose naturally and i...more
