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Yoga Could Actually Help With Eating Disorders
...level of the human body, improving the immune system and giving it a good chance of fighting illnesses.Furthermore the Yoga Diet known as the Sattvic Diet consisting of mucus-less and mucus-poor fruits, leafs and other vegetables are perhaps the most preventive and curative substance of any disease that may be associate...more
Where Can You Find Inexpensive Yoga Teacher Training?
...ducation, of existing instructors.Who would want to consider a distance learning course to become a Yoga instructor? Anyone who has obligations, at home, might consider such a course. Some employers will not grant you permission to take a month out of the year to train for your "dream job."In the current economy, emplo...more
Valentine's Day Every Day - The Spirit Of Bhakti Yoga
... a day that people around the world come together to celebrate the spirit of love. However, in the yogic tradition, every day is Valentine's Day. Each moment of our lives is an opportunity to extend and receive love, to let love's higher frequency permeate our thoughts, choices and actions.The yogis dedicate an entire practice to it. They call it B...more
Yoga Styles - Part 2
...posture or sequence of asanas. The great thing about this class is that it's for everyone, as the instructor gives out postures based on experience. That and you get to see what the experienced students can do for extra motivation!Yoga as an exercise has formed interesting modern styles such as naked yoga, chair yoga, laughter yoga and hip hop ...more
Signs of a Good Yoga Teacher in mind as the class goes through the poses.3) The teacher will choose poses for the class so people with injuries get help and the people without injuries get challenged.4) A good teacher explains and demonstrates a pose, especially challenging ones, so the students understand it from beginning to end. The teacher should make sure the ...more


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