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Using Yoga to Manage ADD
...ves speaking before thinking their thoughts through, and often regret their words. They constantly fidget, unaware that their bubbling energy can be disruptive to others in work and social situations. And they feel as if they simply cannot stop the whirlwind of thoughts spinning in their heads.Yoga can help ADDers learn how to forge a mind-body connecti...more
Building Stronger Arms Through Yoga
...tly, I asked why and his response was “Oh, my yoga classes don’t do anything for my arms.”I looked at him puzzled and luckily for me, I had a draft of a book with photos of some yoga balancing poses and asked him if he had tried or even knew of them. Surprisingly, he said no and was now eager for me to demonstrate them to him.This made me wonder, just how man...more
Yoga in Practice - Solutions for Negativity
... who sends these gifts, hopes the recipient will gain the benefits of all this positive energy.It is easy to develop a “thick crust” and refuse help. To go off into a corner and refuse to change is quite natural for some of us. What can you do if a person has refused help? You can explain that negativity is the source of is his or her isolation, but an outright r...more
What is Yoga?
...owards oneself. There are five niyamas: sauca or cleanliness, santosha or contentment, tapas or austerity, svadhyaya or study of the sacred text and of oneself, and isvarapranidhama or living with an awareness of the divine.Asanas or physical poses are the third limb. Asanas are designed to bring strength, vitality and relaxation to every bodily system.Pranayama, or breathing exercises,...more
Benefits Of Padangusthasana exercise helps in removing the bloating feeling caused by the indigestion and gastric troubles. It stretches most parts of your body like back, spine and legs which also plays a major role at the time of conception. Your knees are strengthened; the pressure helps in reduction of flat foot. Some other benefits are in streng...more


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