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Why Combine Astrology, Reiki and Yoga?
...ent with your divine purpose or assignment.Yoga is more than just asana or postures that are practiced in a room full of strangers. Yoga is an amazing tool for enlightenment and transcendence. Yoga helps break up stagnant ideas in the bodymind and infuse you with divinity. In other words yoga moves and breaks ...more
Try These Yoga Poses for Jet Lag
... one highly recommended solution will be YogaWhat, with the poses balancing effects on the body (namely the inversions), yoga helps immensely to deal with the effects of jet lag, of course when used correctly.The two main poses will be the Shoulder stand (and its counter poses) and if possible, the Sun Salutations.In regards to the...more
The Process of Yoga Instructor Certification
...which one is the best. To get started on the road to yoga certification, it helps to understand how yoga instructors are certified.In order to receive yoga certification, as an instructor, a prospective student completes a minimum of 200 hours of training. The 200 hours are divided between a number of areas. Much of the training focuses on the various techniques, positions, and princ...more
Karma Yoga - An Introduction
..., It is the yoga of performance of “right action”.What is right action?You might glance over the Sermon the Mount, as Jesus was very specific on what He considered ‘right action’. He mentions not to kill, or even speak badly about another. He mentions about sexual fidelity, and even not to think about it (as having the same result as committing it).He says what is correct...more
The Purpose of Yoga - Creating Happiness From Within
...power.Why is happiness so hard for some us to grasp? Happiness is not something in a remote location, at the beach, or in beautiful mountains. Visiting any or all of these exotic places may make you happy, but happiness is a lot closer than most people realize.In fact, happiness exists within all of us. You can easily make a case that happiness is a choice. Some people make...more


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