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Yoga Paths
...ages are:* Ethical standards or ‘yama’* Self-discipline or ‘niyama’* Posture or ‘asana’* Breath control or ‘pranayama’* Sensory withdrawal or ‘pratyahara’* Concentration or ‘dharana’* Meditation or ‘dhyana’* Liberation or ‘samadhi’Karma YogaThe focus of karma yoga is on service and treatment of others. The basic idea i...more
Is Cellulite Unhealthy?
...iber Plenty of fluids, especially water Balanced weight with no fluctuation Regular exercise No smokingThere are so many lotions and potions claiming to get rid of cellulite and firm tissue. One of the best ways to get rid of cellulite that I have personally experienced with great results is Bikram Yoga. Bikram Y...more
Power Yoga: Great For Core Fitness
...discipline that requires commitment if you are going to achieve results, and the training involved can actually be quite intense.Yoga is not only about calmness and relaxation. When I speak of power yoga, I’m talking about using yoga as a means of achieving fitness, especially core fitness--that is, exercising the central muscles of your body, as oppose...more
Practicing Yoga Can Help Children Appreciate the Environment
... pointing out the importance of our environment. Every day we are bombarded with the cold, hard facts of how many species are going extinct at an alarming rate, how many acres of rainforest are being chopped down and how alarming the polar ice is melting. These gloom and doom reports are becoming a fact of life. What we sometimes forget, though, is that these problems affect our...more
Yoga Schools; Bhakti-yoga; and Mantra-yoga.Yoga schools offer drop-in courses, as well as set course plans that range from ten classes to unlimited classes.Generally, before enrolling in yoga school classes, individuals should research the major differences between specific styles of yoga and which educational programs are best suited to meet individual physical abilities and personalities.DISCLAIMER: Abo...more


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