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Teaching Yoga for Teen Stress Management - Family Bonds peers, above all other age groups. Unless they have a nurturing personality, teens are not usually a good fit in a kids Yoga class. Sometimes, after-school activities, in high schools or junior high schools, will have Yoga as a choice. If there is no demand for teen Yoga classes in your area, adult classes will be the next best thing.Over the years, it has be...more
Four Yoga Business Tips to Get Paying Clients From The Web
...The next day have the autoresponder send your class schedule. Two days later, send a message about the health benefits of yoga. On day four, your autoresponder can send a coupon for a class discount or private session, and so on.It takes repeated contact to turn web site visitors into paying clients, building your yoga business slowly but s...more
Teaching Hatha Yoga: What is Normal?
...k down, your priorities have changed instantly. You are not in control of this situation and all you can really do is “damage control.”Therefore, we cannot count on a Yoga class, or life, to be normal. Earth quakes, tsunamis, hurricanes, death, and behavior are very hard to predict. All a Yoga teacher can do is help one person, one student, or...more
What is Yoga?
... Modern language has brought the terms asana and yoga to mean almost the same thing.Yoga is an all encompassing system of exercise that creates a healthy mind, body and spirit. Breathing, meditation, healthy eating, and positive thinking are just some of the activities that have a beneficial effect on people that perform yoga. Yoga brings emot...more
Learn Basic Yoga - Simplicity Is The Key
... These are some of the questions by some persons who do not have time to rest and relax. The answer to your problems could be to learn basic yoga.If you have the attitude to always cram in every activity you do, there is a tendency that it would result disastrously. Meditation is the best way to overcome ...more


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