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Prana Yoga Clothing - A Review
...movable belts too.But what do all these signify, particularly for the yoga practitioner in you? For one, prana yoga is never practiced outdoors and in fast successions, for both of them disturb body temperature and heartbeat/pulse. Good protection before and after the session and flexible, breathable but still warm clothing is essential during it. So what better gear than Prana Yog...more
Karma Yoga - Part 2 For Life & Spirtual Liberation
...finally to transcend the mind itself. What do I do next?You practice daily the 3 Ds…Devotion, Duty and Discipline. This is the secret of performing Karma Yoga.DevotionIs gained through, if nothing else, understanding the magnitude and greatness of the Creator’s work. This is the first step to becoming a Karma Yogi, and you cannot proceed without it. It never fails...more
That's NOT Yoga, if One Eats Like that
...nd a natural diet as a means to cure my horrendous acne at that time.I stumbled on a book called “The Complete Illustrated book of Yoga” by Swami Vishnu-Devananda, and this had a whole chapter on diet. What he explained here made it clear that as beneficial as most- if not all- yoga poses could be for overall health, if one constantly subsists on unhealth...more
5 Tips To Gaining Positive Mental Attitude (PMA) Through Practicing Yoga
...oughts of love and gratitude.The Mind’s EyeThe mind’s eye is about bringing awareness from your body to your mind. It’s the feedback your body is giving your mind in the most subtle way. We walk around all day and forget about how our body really feels. Practicing yoga is a time to listen and send information between the mind and body. This is a perfect opportunity send positive affirmati...more
Yoga Helps Back Pain ago, I never do much stretching except after working out from the gym. When I injured my lower back from trying to do squats with weights on my shoulder, I knew something went wrong and I started getting throbbing pain at the back of my head. When my sitting posture is not straight, there is always throbbing pain in the back of my head. It is very uncomfortable when sitting because you ke...more


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