
Ociation New Teacher Yoga York


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Yoga and Meditation Meets Science - Anatomy of Yoga
...he various aspects of yoga impact our bodies.One of the most common problems I've experienced is tight shoulders or shoulder "kinks" and stiff necks. Early on, it became obvious that yoga and meditation helped tremendously with this chronic 20+ year-old problem.Yoga helps back, shoulder and neck pain in two main ways: reducing s...more
Depression Treatment: Pick Yoga over Medications for Anti-depression
...ation. It is usually performed for several minutes to alleviate stress and mental tension and positive affirmations such as helpful verses from religious books could be mentally repeated during its execution. Being a Christian myself, one of my favorite verses while executing this pose will be a personalized derivative of Rom 12: 2-“I am being transform...more
Yoga Instructor Training - Your Classroom Communication Skills
... assists, when needed, and addresses each student's needs. This is much different from being a public speaker because of the student / teacher relationship.Yet, a public speaker must also establish a bond, develop trust, and create an open atmosphere. In any type of classroom setting, the student should never be afraid to ask a question. The open environment enables t...more
Yoga Instruction - The Inside Story
...tion, breath, and mantra. The order and proportion is decided by the instructor from their learning and individual class structure. Feel out the class, and decide what rhythm and sequence of poses will best benefit the group you are instructing.Although we know the benefits of mantra for controlling mind chatter, some students may be resistant to seeing the value of verbal...more
An Overview of Yoga
...imbs) basically act as guidelines on how to live a meaningful and purposeful life. They serve as a prescription for moral and ethical conduct and self-discipline; they direct attention toward one's health; and they help us to acknowledge the spiritual aspects of our nature.Although complimentary with most spiritual paths, yoga is...more


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