
Yoga Teacher Deborah Torres


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The Purpose of Yoga- The Components of Good Character
... that build character. These aspects are integrity, patience, tolerance, respect, and compassion. The importance of all of these character-building aspects should be mentioned by your Yoga teacher. As the saying goes, “You lead by example.”Integrity is complete honesty. To be completely ethical in behavior, trad...more
Yoga Clothes for Comfort, Functionality - and Let's Not Leave Out Fun!
...illing to wear an old tee shirt and sweats or baggy shorts. When I practice in a class, I am more discriminating in what I choose to wear.I admit it. I work very hard to keep my body in shape, and when I am with others, I want to show off the efforts of my hard work. I usually choose form fitting pants and a fitted tee shirt. This allows me to see the...more
Teaching Yoga for Stress Management - Lowering Stress Levels
...vival process, because manageable stress motivates us to improve our lives. If humankind never felt stress, we might still be very content painting on the walls of caves.Parents want to take all of the stress from their children's lives. While this is a noble cause, children also need a little stress to prosper in life. Parents should be responsive, compassionate, and take ...more
What Are the Benefits of Yoga?
...a happily balanced state of mind. Statistics reveal that long-lasting folks are those of contented mind, because the mind doesn't grow old with the physical structure if the correct precautions are adopted and if the blood supply to the brain is maintained.This is common knowledge to all doctors, and the Yoga system of rules allows for this and has exercises for keeping the brain provid...more
Yoga - Heating Things Up For Maximum Effect
...erm "Hot Yoga" instead. No matter what you call it, the principles of this sort of yoga are still the same.Choudhury invented a series of poses that were to be practiced within the confines of a very hot room. Most people that find themselves immersed in one of these classes will become easily exhausted due to the 85 to 100 degree rooms that they will be enclosed in. Why does this t...more


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