
Yoga Video Tape


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Teaching Hatha Yoga: Is a Hatha Yoga Teacher a Karma Yogi?
...mprovement. It is not wise for us to classify “superior” forms of Yoga. The fact that a young Yogi, or Yogini, is practicing any form of Yoga is a good start in life.When any one of us performs the work that calls to him or her, and it benefits humankind, it is a form of Karma Yoga. Your dosha calls to you i...more
Yoga Is Good For Stress Management
... mind focused. Practicing yoga with bare feet is generally recommended as it has a twofold purpose. One is, it will help you not to slip when you do the standing poses and second, you fully articulate and exercise your feet when you do not wear shoes.Any type of clothing can be worn for yoga as long as it is comfortable. They sho...more
Basic Yoga Equipment
... floor.Straps: Yoga straps are particularly useful in bound poses, when you need to hold on to a part of your body that you can't reach.Bolsters: Yoga bolsters are shaped cushions, they are designed to give support, particularly to the back, legs and abdomen. They come in various shapes, sizes and materials to suit your needs.Sometimes it is also useful to have a blanket to hand, you can c...more
Getting Started with Yoga
...duction to stress reduction, yoga decreases the things in your life that are decreasing its quality. While it includes the benefits of other types of exercise – increased strength, cardiovascular conditioning, and weight management – it also facilitates balance, flexibility, and proper body alignment. Through breathing exercises and...more
Meditation - The Himalayan Tradition of Yoga Meditation
...opular belief that Yoga is all about physical postures, Yoga Meditation is a complete process unto itself and only a small though useful part it relates to the physical body.In the Himalayan form of Yoga Meditation, one systematically works with the senses, body, breath and the various levels of the mind, and then goes beyond to the center of consciousness. The science of yoga medi...more


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