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Yoga Postures For Kids
...ase the flexibility of the spine. The basic movement of the Dog places the child in a knee and hand crawling position, and the Cat movement is the reversal of the Dog movement. These postures require tiling of the pelvis and bending the spinal column.One of the exciting yoga postures for kids is the...more
Why Zen Yoga Poses Can Improve Your Health
...dian, large intestine meridian, Heart constrictor, triple heater, liver, gall bladder, spleen, stomach, heart, small intestine, kidney, and bladder.It's important to note that although these meridians each have an energetic relationship with the organ after which they are named, they are not just referring to the organ when we speak about them. Their primary meaning ...more
Mommy and Me Yoga - Benefits for Life
...r parents, this is the beginning of learning how to guide without discouraging. Yoga will teach children life skills, such as stress reduction, anger management, goal setting, and enhance athletic ability.What about Mommy and Me classes? If you have a Mommy and Me Yoga class in your area, it is worth signing up. Parents should let the Yoga instructor lead the class. This s...more
The Yoga of Love - Sacred Relationships through Yoga
...relationship.The forth key – The art of ServiceWE begin our yoga thinking that our practice of yoga is for self realization, but we discover very quickly, that self realization actually comes from what we give, not what we are. We cannot self realize until we can make others a priority over ourselves. The...more
Yoga: The Complete Science of Life
...emove the physical and mental obstacles in our lives that create stress and take us out of balance. It supports us in developing personal practices that cultivate a sense of light, harmony, health, and well-being.Yoga benefits people of all ages, men and women, marathoners and the athletically challenged. Millions of people worldwide have embraced yoga...more


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