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Are Yoga Balls Helpful for Doing Poses?
...t in poses such as backbends hip openers and restorative poses.Balls are shipped un-inflated and include a small hand-held pump. Moreover, they are made from durable vinyl and can support up to 600 pounds.For Moms, kids being kids, they naturally tend to gravitate towards the prop as they too, like you, may be trying to practice their favorite yoga poses.Well, in spite of...more
How To Ease Back Pain
...t takes 20 to 30 minutes. You move at your body's pace. There is time to stretch as your body wants to stretch. Once per day is ideal for maintaining a happy back, but you can use it as often or as infrequently as you wish. Sometimes I have done yoga to start my day, and sometimes as a lovely way to end it. If you have a life that requires decompression, this is a ve...more
Headache Relief - Gentle Exercises to Soothe the Pain Away
...acket of painkillers or over-the-counter medication. These can help but there is the ever-present danger of side effects.A visit to one's doctor for a full checkup is mandatory if you are having more than the occasional bout of head pain or are experiencing headaches that are worse than the normal ones that can be cured by a good lie down.Medical doctors can now prescribe...more
Yoga Questions and Answers
... 5. Meditation for relaxation and tranquility of the mind.Yoga is more than a stretching and relaxation system, it’s the ideal test for your mind and body.Should you practice Yoga? All persons from couch potatoes to world class athletes can profit from the exercise of Yoga. Purna Yoga requires the perf...more
Yoga Sutras of Patanjali - An Historical Text
...e roles of the sutras in this particular book are to describe and help the yogi to achieve full awareness through yoga. It is essentially about attaining higher levels of awareness of one's self.Finally, the Kaivalya Pada means, again in Sanskrit, “isolation.” What this book is really about, though, is achieving liberation, according to the principles set within it. Yoga teache...more


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