
C 578340 Yoga Zone


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How to Use Yoga DVDs and Videos to Round Out Your Practice
...h?They Provide Variety I don’t know about you, but I get bored pretty easily. Doing exactly the same practice over and over again would drive me crazy. Instead of enjoying the relaxation that comes from yoga, I would probably be irritated by having to do the same program every time I practiced. To deal with my need for diversity, I have an assortment of yoga DVDs and I usua...more
Yogic Philosophy
... the biggest. On the contrary, the world is unconscious, having no knowledge, mortal, changeable and destructible. In fact this world does not exist. The world is an imagination of conscious souls only. The conscious souls is the locus on which the world is projected. As in the dream we think the dream objects are real, so the w...more
What Yoga Can Do for Your Health
...he symptoms that are associated with the problems of asthma are reduced in a big way by practicing yoga on a regular basis. The meditation part of the yoga will also give those suffering from asthma a way to control their fear when the asthma attack starts and thus provide themselves a way to not make the situation worse. Those with asthma tend to get more upset when an asthma atta...more
Yoga Clothes - A Fit For Better Yoga
... to stretch a lot to get the proper benefit from it. These yoga clothes are very trendy and in vogue with the current fashion. Different design and designers have come into picture to make yoga not centuries old but a 21st century thing.There are clothes available for women, men and kids too. You can wear ...more
The Purpose of Yoga - Building Self Image
...t mistakes. We forget that we learn from mistakes and we create a negative self-image.So how does the Yogi or Yogini get in touch with the inner being? This is a journey toward spiritual clarity, where any person can travel. Look at yourself and observe the two sides of your inner being. You can use a mirror, but I would suggest you use a piece of paper and a...more


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